Tax Planning and Preparation
Successful Tax Planning Means You Get to Keep More Dollars!
Some business owners focus on top-line revenue, while others pay more attention to the bottom line. Neither of these calculations are ultimately the amount of dollars you get to keep after taxes. That said, one question that business owners should consistently ask is “How can I legally reduce my company’s taxable income?”
Determining your tax strategy and proactive planning is imperative before year-end and before any major transactions such as acquisition, expansion, or dissolution.
Knowing the tax results of your business decisions before you make them, helps remove the fear of the unknown, and empower you to make the wisest decisions to ensure your company’s long-term health and success.
Tax Returns Need to be “Score Cards,” not “Surprises!”
Some people believe “good” CPA’s are those who help get the biggest tax refunds for their clients. At CM, we disagree. A truly competent, business-savvy, and strategic CPA understands how to legally minimize your taxes through smart and proper business planning. The amount that ultimately shows up on your tax returns, should never be a surprise.
Our tax experts, business strategists, and CPA’s provide business and personal income tax filings for all states. Below are the key differences we embrace each and every day that drive all of our client interactions.
Every number placed on your tax return has proper support documentation, along with the applicable tax law to back-up those reported numbers. An accurate detail of your information considerably reduces time and fees when corresponding with the IRS, FTB and other regulators. CM’s consistent focus on due diligence, also minimizes costly mistakes that could occur on your tax returns.
Built into CM’s tax return preparation process is a tax audit risk assessment and business health analysis. During this phase, our knowledgeable CPA’s bring any and all red flags to your attention prior to finalizing your returns. This step alone reduces costly fees, tax penalties, and future headaches associated with a tax audit.
With over 30 years of experience, continuing education, and working alongside our clients as a trusted business strategist (for start-up organizations and corporations with over $500MM in revenue), CM draws from our professional support network to deliver results. We do not rely on just what the typical tax software reveals. For example, tax software doesn’t understand the requirement for a foreign bank account filing. This potential costly mistake could result in a minimum payment of $10,000 in penalties.
While our systems and processes are technologically-advanced, we still enjoy strong and personal relationships with our clients and we like to have fun while getting results. We invest in the most efficient and reliable technology, ensuring your tax returns are completed accurately and on time. Rest assured, we securely store, send, and receive your data.
Even with the best technology in place, we still encourage our clients to stop by for a visit whenever you’re in our area and enjoy some of our infamous refreshments! At CM, we are grateful for the deep client relationships we’ve created and are passionate about getting the very best results for our clients.